Dinwiddie County Treasurer

- 14010 Boydton Plank Road Dinwiddie VA 23841
- (804) 469-4500
- (804) 469-5393
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Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
About Us
The Treasurer's Office ensures the fiscal integrity of public funds and provides customer service for the billing and payment of the following:
Personal property taxes
Real estate taxes
Dog licenses
Duties & Objectives
Billing and collection of current real estate and personal property taxes. Billing for these taxes is June 5th and December 5th. Dinwiddie County is a prorating locality with supplemental bills created and due throughout the year.
The Billing and collection of Delinquent Real Estate and Personal Property taxes. Delinquent billings are prepared and mailed once a year.
Reconciliation of all depository bank accounts for the County of Dinwiddie, other various departments, and external auditors.
The Treasurer oversees the County Investment Policy striving for the highest and safest investment returns while maintaining compliance with the Security for Public Funds Investment Act of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Collections of dog licenses, meals taxes, and business licenses.
About the Treasurer
The Treasurer is one of five constitutional officers in Dinwiddie County which are elected by voters. The elected post of Treasurer was created by the Virginia Constitution in 1870. This elected status ensures that local funds will be accounted for by an officer who reports directly to the Dinwiddie County residents. The Treasurer's current term of office runs from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2027.
As a constitutional office, the department administers tax regulations in accordance with the Code of Virginia and the Codified Ordinances of Dinwiddie County.
The Treasurer's Office is dedicated to serving citizens, the commercial sector, the Board of Supervisors, and other government agencies by disseminating personal and real property tax information in a professional and efficient manner.